Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wacky Photo Wednesday! (On a Sunday)

There was a request to post my usual Wacky Photo Wednesday pic.
It may be a Sunday, but hey, why not!? So here it is:
Yah thats right, I had my own pony as a kid! My pony only had two legs and liked to wear rain boots! ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another Wacky Photo Wednesday!

It was brought to my attention by Mrs. Moose Peterson (Sharon) that today was Wednesday. Time to post another photo! I figure that because Halloween is coming up next month, I will post old Halloween photos until it has passed OR until I run out of Halloween themed photos.
Mikey (my Brother) was Aladdin and I (dork) was some kind of Princess...I guess I have always been a Princess though ;)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wacky Photo Wednesday!

Another blast from the past:
Gosh, don't I just look so darn cute! What ever happened to me? ;P